Kontek Lön

Our payroll system, Kontek Lön, will ensure the long-term success of your company's payroll management. Our online payroll system is designed to meet strict future requirements – for everything from functionality to interfaces and user-friendliness.

En illustration av en kvinna som räknar lön med via en mobiltelefon En illustration av en kvinna som räknar lön med via en mobiltelefon

A few reasons to choose Kontek Lön:

  • web-based and modern payroll system
  • future-proof and reliable
  • cloud based
  • good integration opportunities with other systems
  • user-friendly interface
  • industry independent
  • personal support
Bäst betyg inom Lönesystem hos BusinessWith Bäst betyg inom Lönesystem hos BusinessWith

Business with

BusinessWith is a comparison site where you can quickly and easily find out which payroll system suits you and your company best. The company has mapped most of the payroll systems on the Swedish market and with the help of filter functions you can easily get a list of the suppliers that best meet your needs and your requirements.

Kontek has recently received the award "Best grade in payroll System" at BusinessWith.

"Best grade in payroll system"